3 Things: Turning your obstacles into opportunities

Sep 16, 2022

Inspiration: I have the privilege of chairing a golf outing each year for a non-profit, Creative Living. We raise money to help our 34 residents, who are physically disabled, live independently with the help of a 24/7 resident assistant program. I get to emcee the program after the outing and the highlight for me is always talking to one of our residents. This year, Justin Lennon, spoke. He’s in his early 20’s and became physically disabled after a trampoline accident a few years ago. Justin has blown me away with his inspiring mindset. He’s dedicated to making the most of his life and is getting a degree in psychology and will be focused on helping people with mental health challenges. He’s an amazing young man and is a shining example of turning a significant obstacle into a big opportunity to serve.

Quote: “Turn your obstacles into opportunities and your problems into possibilities.” – Roy T. Bennett

Call to Action: Is there something in your life that you can turn from an obstacle into an opportunity? A small shift in your mindset can make all the difference.

Here’s a picture of Justin below. We were able to raise about $100,000 to support Justin and his fellow residents. Big thanks to all of our sponsors and attendees! And, special thanks to Justin for sharing his story with us.

Enjoy your weekend!



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