3 Things: Movement, life force & a must-watch documentary

Jan 27, 2023

Thought – I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the power of movement and staying active. I’ve had three keynote talks in the last two weeks, along with client meetings and our annual sales kickoff meeting. Staying active and keeping to a workout schedule has been huge for me. It’s keeps me energized and grounded. There’s a really cool documentary out on Netflix about the relationship between Jonah Hill and his therapist, Phil Stutz. It’s really well done. Jonah raves about this guy having such a profound impact on his life by giving him basic actions to take that are executable quickly. There’s a scene where Stutz talks about this concept called Life Force where you focus on three things – Physical Body, Relationships & Self. The first step in the process is the body and he encourages Jonah to stay active and get moving. I’d definitely throw in a spiritual component for sure here (and Stutz talks about this) but I do think there’s real power in this mindset of consistently moving. For me, breaking a sweat and working out is such a big driver of other things. It’s an upstream habit that leads to other positive things like eating better, more focus and less stress.

Quote – “Real change requires you to change your behavior-not just your attitude.” – Phil Stutz, Psychologist and Author of The Tools: Transform Your Problems into Courage, Confidence, and Creativity

Call to Action – Check out the Stutz trailer and if it’s of interest, I highly recommend you watch the full documentary.

Thanks for reading! Quick personal update – things have been a fun (and intense) lately. I just returned home from some training at Heroic Public Speaking in New Jersey. I’m so thankful to be working under the leadership of Michael and Amy Port. A refreshed keynote is in the works and I’m excited to have the opportunity to serve people in this way. If you ever have any interest in speaker training, let me know, and I’d be happy to make an intro for you. They do a two-day workshop every so often that you need to be nominate for and I’d be happy to chat if that’s something of interest to you. You can learn more here.


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